The Peeps of the Worlds
These peeps range from everything. So far I have no real rule for their designs but their purposes ranges and depends you will little see mainly the "battle" ones in a RPG style random encounters but there won't be actual battles i'm currently concepting and testing out different mini-games they make you do with them. So far in development is a Chatting system where you have to try you best to listen other wise they get annoyed then bad social things will happen. It's still early days still figuring out how it all works.
Generally the rule is give a object a face and it qualifies as a NPC or Peeps the name i've given them in this project. I hope to have "static" Peeps who in certain areas who will either i hope to be interesting enough for players to talk to i plan to give them depth and likely write a background story on all of them.
I do have one character in mind at the moment with some depth but i'm currently debating if he should be in this game or saved for another. The idea is a box who is a shopkeeper the reason he is shopper keeper is due to the fact he's lonely and can't move so he hopes setting up a shop fixes those issues. I wanted to have a system where you have the option to talk to him and throughout the game the more you visit and talk the more he will open up then eventually consider you a friend.
Next page i will either talk about possible Lore or Game Mechanics I don't know you will found out soon or already.
Keep in touch.
- FSCP Lord Princess Crossburn