Alright it's been ages since I last posted anything 2-months so i will explain what happen in those past months and hopefully i won't do this again....hopefully. Also sorry for lack of photos this blog.
So far I have been testing out a gameplay mechanic in which a random NPC will run to you and start a "chatting" system in which you gotta try you best to listen. It's been a challenge as I'm super novice when comes to coding so what usually happens is I come up with a mad idea try to use tutorials online to create then either bugs or nothing happens.
Animation, so i was working on this for a bit i've gotten Fyee's movements down this was a struggle as i had no idea how he would walk I went through many different alliteration. In the end i took inspiration from Penguins . I was working on some various of NPCs before.....
I GOT SICK, don't want to go into details but i took a trip to the doctors and was told to rest for a few weeks which then clash with Spring Break meaning i went holiday and now i'm back. BUT Uni has return and with it many essay's and a hurge Studio Project. What does this mean for the game?
Well as it is apart of my course i will have a early build done soon but i won't be able to work on this until Mid-June possibly later.
Ain't Dead Yet!
- FSCP Lord Princess Crossburn