He can walk and talk...well more listen.
Current progress is well he can walk but no animation yet, the code it ready for a wlak and idle animation. There are NPCs friendly & Not so friendly, Friendly NPCs are stationary and the enemies are not enemies they more come over to you for a chat.
The Chat is a mini-game currently got a prototype where it is a rhythm based game the future plans are to have a guade so when you "miss" Fyee will ignore the NPC causing them to get a little angry resulting in some lost points. Haven't decided yet on what happens if you lose or even when you win, these are still earlier days and i will need ideas for reward and punishment system for this game.

As you can see very bare atm and sometimes you can get trapped by a bug. Lemmie show of some PeePs (also PeePs are the nicknames of NPCs in this game)....
Anyway don't expect any updates soon i am currently on another project due in early June so keep your eye out on my Newgrounds for that. What is it? It's a 2D/3D story concept for a future 3D platformer i will be making later this year the short is about cat called Tykee exploring a ruined underground on a hunt for a relic only to find death.
Eat your greens and NYAN :3
- FSCP Lord Princess Crossburn