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  • fscparker

Dream Diary Page 1

Alright let's get go to it......

Inspired by Yume Nikki whilst coding a silly little Java this ball sack of design is called Fyee.


He/she/it is the main protagonist and playable character of this game.

His design was inspired by a bunny and flour sack.

Flour sack is what i generally used in my early days of animation and the bunny ears was to add to his cute, disturbing, phallic design.

I want to keep what this game is about brief to begin with I will go into detail about each section e.g. mechanic , style, story updates of the game. So follow this blog and hopefully i will try to keep you up to date.

The Main Objective

To keep it short it's a Exploration at heart with many different mini-games to play. This project has been brew in my mind for a good few years, i saw an old terrible NES game called Action 52 which spark the idea to do the same. The idea is to make a lot of different style of games purely as an excuse to learn and improve my skills in Game Design & Animation, my current two main focus in life. Issue is though making a bunch of small games wasn't get notice i wanted something combining them all together so one day i just whatever i felt like and these were the results....

Ends up my chaotic mind is just surreal art now the game will follow this style also see old Fiee well back then he had no name and just floated everywhere.

We end here for now more will come, i prefer to keep these brief to hopefully have them organized and easy to take in. I'm dyslexic meaning i'm intelligent but unable to show, write or say it in any form. SO I hope these blogs are not grammarly incorrect or unreadable or filled with spelling errors....well wish you luck.

- FSCP the Lord Princess Crossburn

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